He toa taumata rau - courage has many resting places
Most people don’t realise there is already a future written for each of us. This is our default future, our predictable future, or what we call the Drift. Doing something about the Drift is not ordinary. It is out of the ordinary, or even extraordinary.
It takes courage to be extraordinary because to be extraordinary, you need to confront where you are being ordinary.
Taumata Advisory’s kaupapa (purpose) is a match for that – to realise individual and organisational potential. Realising that potential is how we enable a more regular and reliable delivery of extraordinary outcomes - the outcomes that you determine matter most to your organsation.
As a Kaiārahi (mentor, leader, guide), Taumata Advisory is committed to those leaders who can demonstrate their courage in pursuing what extraordinary means for them.
That’s because when leaders play ordinary, the organisation can only play ordinary. When leaders play extraordinary, the organisation can transform. Most importantly, the organisation doesn’t change until the leaders do. And we all know that nothing changes without action.
That mindset is how you begin the journey to sustaining extraordinary performance and realising potential.